Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Western Governor's University

As I am in what will hopefully be my final semester at Western Governor's University, I am nearing the time to make a decision as to where I will attend grad school. I'm still not 100% sold on my major, but I feel like finding out the best online schools is a stepping stone. I would love to attend an on campus college, but any of you that are familiar with the military life know that it is a futile effort.

My husband and I are hoping to move to Germany with his next enlistment and it would be a waste of time for me to begin attending college on campus to have to transfer out into a different country. Has anyone else had the same experience with moving and having to complete your degree 100% online?

I have found that the resistance to online degrees has decreased significantly, but there is still a stigma that the course work is not as challenging in comparison to traditional education. In my experience with WGU, it is polar opposite! I have to read various chapters and pass pre-assessments before I can sit for a test. Once you are taking a test, you are proctored via webcam so unlike traditional schools that - mind you - still offer online courses, you can't just open up a book or search Google for answers. You actually have to know the material!!

So my question is, if I am looking in to completing a graduate degree in Psychology, what are the top accredited and affordable online university's that I should look into? Any suggestions are appreciated.

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