Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lifestyle Changes

Hey y'all!

As I mentioned in my profile, I am a Pescetarian and have been for nearly a decade. Between an 11 year battle of Endometriosis and my personal taste/texture preferences, I gave up red meat as well as [cow] milk several years ago.

In addition to my dietary changes that implemented an increase of veggies and fish, I have also tried to find a passion for fitness. Most days I find that it is a struggle just to get my butt in the gym, and as I do my cardio routine I count down the minutes.. But I have definitely seen the change in my body as well as felt the change in my body. From increased energy, better moods, and a decrease in endometrial symptoms, I can say cardio and fun Pinterest recipes have been life savers!

Has anyone else tried to increase their cardio and implement dietary changes to control/decrease their Endometrial pain? I must say, after experiencing some pretty severe symptoms, having an Exploratory Laparoscopy including the burning off of Endometrial tissue, being medically induced into menopause at the ripe age of 21 via Depo Lupron in addition to a-back therapy, various birth controls, as well as ovarian cysts, I have to say Mirena is the only treatment that has helped a decrease in my symptoms. Thankfully, my physician was pro-Mirena, but it is always best to consult your physician on lifestyle changes and treatment options.

Are there any other lifestyle changes or medical treatments that have helped you with your Endometriosis?


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